Risk Threat Vulnerability Assessments (RTVA)
The Buckingham team provides experts with years of experience to provide your company with a thorough review and detailed examination of the risks and hazards of your business.
A threat risk assessment is a process used to identify as many risks as possible and what controls, if any, are in place to mitigate those risks. To that end, there are several steps that need to be taken. First, the risks need to be identified. Next, the team at Buckingham will assess whether there are strategies and procedures in place to secure the area or areas at risk.
Our process will include intrusion testing to inspections of local facilities to discussions with management to evaluate the appropriate level of countermeasures and mitigation strategies and more. Once we understand your company’s goals in this area, we will customize an approach to meet your needs. After the RTVA is complete, our team will provide a comprehensive and confidential report including detailed findings and support material.
Areas We Focus On
- Discussion with management to evaluate the appropriate level of countermeasures and mitigation strategies
- Intrusion Testing
- Location Inspections
- Hard Drive & Computer/Telephone Memory Analysis
- Video Review Auditing
- Forensic Analysis
- Complex Bug Sweeps
Four Categories of Risks
- Regulatory Risk and Compliance
- Operational Risk
- Environmental Risk
- Strategic Objectives Risk
Upon completion of the assessment, Buckingham will produce a completed report that is known as a Risk Register. The report documents the specific risks, the controls in place to address those risks, and whether resources can be shifted or increased to mitigate the risk. The Risk Register also documents the likelihood of the risks occurring, and the effects of the risks if they’re not controlled.
Intrusion Testing
As the term suggests, “intrusion testing” is an exercise that is used to determine whether your security personnel — either in-house or contracted — are performing at the highest level. In a perfect world, protecting your assets would be as simple as hiring a security company and turning your focus elsewhere. Unfortunately, not all security companies are created equal. What’s more, even the best security companies need to be tested on a regular basis. That’s where intrusion testing comes in.

Physical Intrusion Testing & Solutions
At Buckingham, we conduct these tests using a well-established protocol that’s both structured and professional. Although the process has many layers, the goal is to test whether our agents (unauthorized personnel) can penetrate a company’s security perimeter. Before that can happen, however, we first meet with the company’s management team to determine what scenarios and other specifics will be used in the test.
At the completion of the test, a detailed report will be generated listing the methods used by the agent, the time, date, and any vehicle used, and the identity or description of security officers encountered. In addition, if there has been a breach, our team will make recommendations on how to effectively secure the perimeter of your company, government facility or other organization. We will then schedule follow-up tests to determine whether the measures put in place are working. In most cases, we recommend quarterly tests to ensure maximum security.
Emergency Preparedness
Earthquakes, flash floods, hurricanes, tornadoes … sometimes, catastrophic events can occur with little or no warning. Because the threat to human life, property and other assets is so high, it’s imperative that schools, businesses, government facilities and other organizations have emergency response plans in place to mitigate the damages.
To optimize your plan — or to establish a new plan — our team of experts in fire, EMS, police, and meteorology will conduct a “risk profile” of your organization. The profile will identify and assess potential threats and determine whether existing controls are effective and operational. Based on the results of that profile, we’ll establish an emergency plan and test its effectiveness by conducting “tabletops” and “scenarios.” The final step is to ensure that everyone in your organization understands the plan, as well as their specific responsibilities.
It doesn’t end there, however. For an emergency response plan to be fully effective, it must be updated regularly. In addition, employee training and exercise drills must be ongoing. Our team will work with your team to ensure that all those things happen.

Other types of risk assessments

Restorative Workplace Assessments